St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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Whalley Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB6 8EQ.

01254 247157

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and PSHE

The new RSHE curriculum begins this year and can be found here.  The Government have set out what children should know by the time they move on to high school. We have planned for this within our curriculum . As a Catholic school we believe in following the Gospel values and many of the aspects of RSHE are taught through everyday worship, RE lessons, science, PE, PSHE, computing and specific RSHE lessons. We prepare our children together as a family for their journey through life where they will continue to meet many different families and individuals and be prepared to accept, celebrate and be safe.

Subject Statement

Subject Overview

Subject Progression

RSHE Overview